Looking for ARC Readers!

If you want to be one of the first people to read a story about love, betrayal, and murder, sign up to be an ARC reader!

What Is An ARC Reader?

An ARC reader, or Advance Reading Copy reader, is someone who reads a pre-publication version of a book, usually provided for free by the author or publisher, before it is officially released to the public.

The purpose of an ARC is multifaceted: it allows authors to gather feedback, make final adjustments, and generate early buzz through reviews and word-of-mouth promotion.

Woman reading on a kindle by a pool

The Purpose of ARCs

  • Feedback and Corrections: ARC readers can help identify any remaining typos, plot inconsistencies, or other issues that might have been overlooked during the editing process. This feedback is invaluable for making final tweaks to ensure the book is in its best possible form before official release.
  • Reviews: One of the primary goals of distributing ARCs is to secure early reviews. Reviews are a powerful tool for authors, especially around the launch period. They can be posted on personal blogs, social media, book retail sites like Amazon, and book review platforms like Goodreads.
  • Promotion: ARC readers often become advocates for the book, helping to create buzz through word-of-mouth, social media shares, and recommendations within their reading communities. This grassroots promotion can be crucial for a book’s early success.

Who Can Be an ARC Reader?

ARC readers can be anyone from the book’s target audience, but they often include:

  • Book Bloggers and Reviewers: Individuals who have platforms dedicated to reviewing books, providing them with early content can result in professional, thoughtful reviews that reach a wide audience.
  • Fans and Followers: Authors with an established fan base or social media following might offer ARCs to their loyal readers in exchange for honest reviews.
  • Professional Readers: People who are part of the publishing industry, such as librarians, booksellers, and educators, who might help in promoting the book within their professional circles.
  • Book Club Members: Members of book clubs, especially those that focus on the book’s genre, can provide valuable insights and generate discussion around the book.

Expectations from ARC Readers

While ARC readers get the privilege of early access to new books, there are usually some expectations involved:

  • Honest Reviews: Authors and publishers typically expect ARC readers to provide honest, unbiased reviews of the book.
  • Timeliness: Reviews are most effective when posted close to the book’s release date, so ARC readers are often asked to read the book and prepare their reviews within a specific timeframe.

Sound Like Fun? Get in Touch!

If you’re interested in becoming an ARC reader, fill in the form below. Thanks in advance!

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